Multi-site hosting

Choose a single hosting plan for all your websites


Number of Accounts : 50

Disk Space : 100 GB

Bandwidth : 1 TB

Custom Nameservers

Dedicated IP

CPU Limit : 2 Ghz

Memory Limit : 512 MB

Concurrent Connections : 15

I/O limit (IO) : 3 MB/s

MySQL Version : 10.1.28-MariaDB

PHP Version : 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2

Webserver : Litespeed

24/7 Mail Support

Phone Support


Number of Accounts : 100

Disk Space : 200 GB

Bandwidth : 2 TB

Custom Nameservers

Dedicated IP

CPU Limit : 3 Ghz

Memory Limit : 1 GB

Concurrent Connections : 20

I/O limit (IO) : 3 MB/s

MySQL Version : 10.1.28-MariaDB

PHP Version : 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2

Webserver : Litespeed

24/7 Mail Support

Phone Support : Office Hours


Number of Accounts : 200

Disk Space : 350 GB

Bandwidth : 3.5 TB

Custom Nameservers

Dedicated IP

CPU Limit : 3 Ghz

Memory Limit : 1 GB

Concurrent Connections : 20

I/O limit (IO) : 3 MB/s

MySQL Version : 10.1.28-MariaDB

PHP Version : 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2

Webserver : Litespeed

24/7 Mail Support

Phone Support : Office Hours

A singular web hosting offer for you to host all your websites and run them with zero effort.

Multi-site hosting is the perfect option for web and communication agencies wanting to host their customers with no intervention from our team.

This solution is also intended for individuals who host more than one website on the same account.

All of our offers, apart from the “Bronze” offer, include a dedicated IP address as well as customized Nameservers.

Hébergement Mutualisé Linux
Pourquoi choisir le pack d’hébergement multi-sites de Genious

Why choose Genious multi-site hosting package?

White label hosting

With Genious Communications' multi-site hosting offers, bring your brand front and center by providing your customers hosting offers with a white label.

Data Security

Data security is among our top priorities. Our infrastructures ensure integrity and high availability of your data and application services.

Appealing formulas

Genious Communications is providing you with some attractive offers to encourage you to start your own brand and to help you get involved in the web hosting business.

Set your own margins

Determine the selling price of your hosting plans on your own and manage your personal margins all by yourself.

Multi-site hosting
plan Advantages


Start your own hosting project adapted to your budget.

Management Interface

Manage your various hosting accounts through our user-friendly management interface.

Dedicated IP

You have a dedicated IP address that you can assign to the websites you host.

Customized NameServers

You can customize your name servers (NS). Example: all of your websites will be pointing to your own NS: /

Managed Services

Our team takes care of the management and the monitoring of your server.

24/7 Support

Our team is available to answer your requests 24/7.

avantages du pack hébergement multi-site

frequently asked questions

For Multi-site Hosting

Can I host as many websites as I want?

We offer different packages that range from 25 accounts in the Bronze Offer, to 200 accounts in the Platinum Offer.

Can I switch from one pack to another at any time?

Yes, you can switch to another pack at any time depending on your requirements, you will only be charged a pro rata fee.

Can I change my payment period?

Our offers are all available both monthly and yearly, you can switch from a monthly subscription to a yearly subscription and vice versa.

Do you have more questions about this product ?

You can talk to one of our agents :

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+212 (05) 24 29 87 00
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